Its time to take your IHK exam preparation to a new level!There are few really good preparation options for the final exam, AEVO exam or the proficiency exam. Thats why we almost make compulsory reading for you with our courses.So dont save in the wrong place, but secure your advantage over others!Pass your exams with the Apelio learning app!WHAT YOU GET:- General content on economics and social studies.- Commercial management and control- Special topics for the proficiency test §34a, §34d, §34i, §34f- Instructor aptitude test / AEVO trainer certificateWe cover the following professions with the courses for the final examination:- Content on retail salesperson exams- Wholesale and foreign trade final exam- Industrial clerk final exam- IT Specialist- Specialist for warehouse logistics- Commercial Specialist- Industrial economist- IT clerk- IT system electronics engineer- IT system clerks- MFA- Elderly care- real estate agents- hotel professionals- office clerks- Merchants for insurance and finance- forwarding agents- Marketing communications- Salesperson- Administrative Specialist- Benefit from solutions and detailed explanations for each task.- Structured process and display of learning progress.- Applicants report first-hand on their experiences in the selection process.- Developed by education experts.- No hidden costs.A NOTICE:- Some content is paid or requires a membership. The extended online access also includes online courses and content.Why Apelio?Apelio offers you playful and interactive lessons with over 500 different test elements. From IHK exams to data protection and IT skills, everyone will find what they are looking for at Apelio.The advantages of Apelio are obvious:You can set your own learning pace and learn flexibly - whether on the train or bus, during your lunch break or in the evening in front of the television.You will receive immediate feedback on your learning success and can work on your weaknesses in a targeted mannerYou can use the evaluations from Apelio to track the learning status of your trainees and to interact early if there is an increased need for learning.Benefit from the expertise of our course instructors, who are not only experts in their field, but also work in various professional fields.